Culture - History MCQ Question and Answer
Culture - History MCQ Question and Answer

Culture – History MCQ Question and Answer

Culture – History MCQ Question and Answer : Culture – History MCQ Question and Answer is given below.  This Culture – History MCQ / Culture – History Quiz / Culture – History Question and Answer / Culture – History Multiple Choice Question, Short Question, Question and Answer, Suggestion, Notes are very important for school, college and various competitive or job exams and interviews.

 Those of you who are looking for Culture – History MCQ Question and Answer, can read the questions and answers given below.

Culture – History MCQ

  1. Which animal is considered “Aghanya” in Vedic period?

(A) Bull

(B) Sheep

(C) Cow

(D) Elephant

Answer : C

Solution: In Vedic period, cow is considered as ‘Aghanya’ (not killed). The Vedas have given the death penalty to the person who killed or injured the cow and the country has been expelled.

  1. Karamapa Labha belongs to which class of the Buddha sect of Tibet?

(A) Gellugpa

(B) Kangupa

(C) Saqyapa

(D) Lingmapa

Answer : B

Solution: Karamapa Labha belongs to the class ‘Kangyupa’, a Buddhist sect in Tibet.

  1. The word Tirthankar is related to –

(A) Buddhist

(B) Christian

(C) Hindu 

(D) Jain

Answer : D

Solution: The word ‘Tirthankara’ is related to Jainism. There are 24 Tirthankaras who are believed to have practiced Jainism from time to time in Jainism. The first Tirthankara of Jainism was Rishabhdev and the last Tirthankara was Mahavir Swami.

  1. In which of the following inscriptions, Ashoka is mentioned?

(A) In gurjra

(B) In Aahrora

(C) In brahmagiri

(D) In Sarnath

Answer : A

Solution: The history of Ashoka is known to us mainly from his records. More than 40 records have been received so far. Ashoka’s personal name is also found in the writings of Maski, Gurjara, Netar and Udegolam.

  1. The first Gupta ruler to hold the title ‘Param Bhagwat’ was –

(A) Chandragupta I

(B) Samudragupta

(C) Chandragupta II

(D) Ramgupta

Answer : C

Solution: Chandragupta II “Vikramaditya” was the first Gupta ruler to hold the title of Param Bhagavata. According to the Mehrauli article, he installed Vishnudhwaja on Mount Vishnupad.

  1. By what name do Chinese writers refer to India?

(A) Pho Quo-Key

(B) Yin-tu

(C) Si-yu-ki

(D) Sikia-pono

Answer : B

Solution: Ancient Chinese writers refer to India as ‘Yin-tu’ and ‘Thian-tu’.

  1. ‘Manusmriti’ is mainly related to

(A) Social system

(B) Law

(C) To economics

(D) To state system

Answer : B

Solution: The ‘Manusmriti’, which consists of a total of 18 memories, is believed to have been composed by Manu. Manusmriti is related to ancient Indian social order and Hindu law. Manu is considered to be the first and greatest law maker of ancient India.

  1. Which medieval ruler of India started the “Iqta system”?

(A) Iltutmish

(B) Balban

(C) Alauddin Khilji

(D) None of the above

Answer : A

Solution: Iqta system was introduced in India by Iltutmish. This was a transferable rent act. It was a special section of land, which was provided to soldiers or military officers but they did not own the land. They could only consume revenue.

  1. Which of the following is not related to Sufism?

(A) Ulema

(B) Khanqah

(C) Sheikh

(D) Sama

Answer : A

Solution: The abode of Sufi saints is called ‘Khanqah’. ‘Sama is the name of a Sufi ceremony. ‘Sheikh’ refers to a person authorized for teaching and guidance in Sufism. Scholars of the religious laws of Islam are called ‘Ulema’. Thus Sufism is not related to the ulema.

  1. At the time of Aurangzeb’s death, in whose hands was the Maratha leadership?

(A) Shambhaji

(B) RajaRama

(C) Jijabai

(D) Tarabai

Answer : D

Solution: Rajaram continued to lead the Marathas as the representative of Shahu from 1689-1700 AD. After Rajaram’s death, his widowed wife Tarabai succeeded his four-year-old son to the throne in the name of Shivaji II and continued the freedom struggle from the Mughals. At the time of Aurangzeb’s death, the Maratha leadership was in the hands of Tarabai.

History MCQ Question and Answer

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Culture – History MCQ Question and Answer

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Culture – History Multiple Choice Question and Answer

 Culture – History Multiple Choice Question and Answer: Culture – History Multiple Choice Question and Answer – Culture – History Multiple Choice Question and Answer discussed above.

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Culture – History MCQ Question and Answer

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