Political Science

Judiciary – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

Judiciary – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

Judiciary – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer : Judiciary – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer is given below.  This Judiciary – Political Science MCQ / Judiciary – Political Science Quiz / Judiciary – Political Science Question and Answer / Judiciary – Political Science Multiple Choice Question, Short Question, Question and Answer, Suggestion, Notes are very important for school, college and various competitive or job exams and interviews.

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Judiciary – Political Science MCQ

  1. Pension of a High Court Judge is charged-

(A) State public accounts

(B) To the Consolidated Fund of India

(C) To the public account of India

(D) State’s Consolidated Fund

Answer : B

Solution: According to Article 221, the salaries and allowances of judges of the High Court are determined by the Parliament. Their salaries and allowances are given from the Consolidated Fund of the states, but pension is given from the Consolidated Fund of India.

  1. Which High Court first declared that ‘Bandh’ is unconstitutional?

(A) Andhra Pradesh

(B) Madhya Pradesh

(C) Kerala

(D) Odisha

Answer : C

Solution: In 1997, in the case of Bharat Kumar’s Pilacha vs State of Kerala, the Kerala High Court first declared ‘Bandh’ as unconstitutional, which was also confirmed by the Supreme Court.

  1. The law made by the judiciary is called-

(A) Common law

(B) case law

(C) Rule of law

(D) administrative law

Answer : B

Solution: The law made by the judiciary is called decision law and is used in judging cases related to the subjects related to them on the basis of these decisions in future. This law remains in effect until a higher judicial body or parliament makes a law related to it.

  1. In which case did the Supreme Court establish the prominence of Fundamental Rights above the Directive Principles of State Policy?

(A) Case of Golaknath

(B) Case of Keshavanand Bharti

(C) Minerva Mill Case

(D) All of the above

Answer : A

Solution: In 1967, the Supreme Court established the primacy of fundamental rights above the Directive Principles of State Policy in Golaknath v. State of Punjab.

  1. Who explains the constitution?

(A) Legislature

(B) Executive

(C) Judiciary

(D) President

Answer : C

Solution: The Supreme Court has the final authority to interpret the Constitution, which is given in Articles 132, 133 and 228 of the Constitution. According to Articles 132 and 133, any decision, decree or final order in the civil, criminal or other proceedings of any High Court in the territory of India can be appealed to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court can also review the law made by the legislature.

  1. Pranab Kumar Gogoi, who recently passed away, was a famous personality in which field?

(A) Sports

(B) Literature

(C) Arts

(D) Politics

Answer : D

Solution: Born in 1936 in Dibrugarh, Pranab Gogoi, who was an advocate by profession, was first elected to the Assembly in 2001.

  1. Which of the following “judicial orders” is issued by the High Court or the Supreme Court to prevent a person from occupying any public office?

(A) Induction article

(B) Mandate

(C) Injunction

(D) Right of inquiry

Answer : D

Solution: A ‘Rights Inquiry’ is a judicial order which is asked by a High or Supreme Court to a person with which authority he has executed a particular work.

  1. Which of the following Chief Justice of India served as the President of India for some time?

(A) Justice Gajendra Gadkar

(B) Justice H. Kania

(C) Justice P.N. Bhagwati

(D) Justice M. Hidayatullah

Answer : D

Solution: Vice President VV Giri became the first acting President after the accidental death of President Dr. Zakir Hussain on 3 May 1669. He resigned from his post to participate in the presidential election. Subsequently, according to the constitutional process, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court M. Hidayatullah was given the charge of the President.

  1. What is the maximum age of superannuation for judges of the Supreme Court of India?

(A) 60 years

(B) 70 years

(C) 62 years

(D) 65 years

Answer : D

Solution: According to Article 124 (2) of the Indian Constitution, the Judge of the Supreme Court shall hold office until he completes the age of 65 years. He can give written leave to the President and he can be removed from office by the President on the recommendation of Parliament. The above three types of provisions relate to the tenure of judges.

  1. Who among the following are the persons who can refer a case under Article 143 to the Supreme Court of India for an advisory opinion?

(A) President of India

(B) Governor

(C) Lieutenant governor

(D) President and Governor

Answer : A

Solution: Article 143 provides that the President can consult the Supreme Court. When the President feels that a question of public importance of law or fact has arisen, on which it is necessary to get the opinion of the Supreme Court, then the question is referred to the Supreme Court. But it is not binding on the opinion of the Supreme Court.

Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

See also: – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer Click Here

Judiciary – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

 Judiciary – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer: Judiciary – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer – Judiciary – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer has been discussed above.

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 Judiciary – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer: Judiciary – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer – Judiciary – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer discussed above.

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Debabrata Mandal

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