Fundamental Rights & Various Fact's - Political Science MCQ Question and Answer
Fundamental Rights & Various Fact's - Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer : Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer is given below.  This Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science MCQ / Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science Quiz / Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science Question and Answer / Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science Multiple Choice Question, Short Question, Question and Answer, Suggestion, Notes are very important for school, college and various competitive or job exams and interviews.

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Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science MCQ

  1. Right to Privacy is Protected as an intrinsic of Right to Life and Personal Liberty. Which of the following in the Constitution of India correctly and appropriately imply the above statement ?

(A) Article 14 and the provisions under the 42nd Amendment to the Constitution.

(B) Article 17 and the Directive Principles of State Policy in Part IV.

(C) Article 21 and the freedoms guaranteed in the Part III.

(D) Article 24 and the provisions under the 44th Amendment to the Constitution.

Answer : Article 21 and the freedoms guaranteed in the Part III.

Solution: Justice K.S. Puttaswamy (Retd.) and others. Vs. Union of India, is a landmark judgment of the Supreme Court of India, which holds that Rights to Privacy is protected as a Fundamental Rights under Articles 14, 19 and 21 of  the Constitution of  India.

  1. The Guardian of Fundamental Rights is –

(A) Judiciary

(B) Executive

(C) Parliament

(D) None of these

Answer : Judiciary

Solution: The Constitution of India has assigned of Judiciary i.e. the Supreme Court of India and the High Courts, the responsibility of the protection of fundamental rights. The most significant of fundamental rights is the exclusive right to the constitution of India. Thus the Guardian of fundamental rights is Judiciary.

  1. Which one the following is not true in relation to democratic determination.

(A) A state in which people are supreme

(B) Supreme power is vested in elected head

(C) Supreme power is vested in a person (solely) likewise a king

(D) A government formed by representative elected by people

Answer : Supreme power is vested in a person (solely) likewise a king

Solution: Option (c) does not represent the democratic nature of the Constitution. Rest of the option are correct regarding democracy.

  1. Who has termed Constitution a sacred document ?

(A) B.R. Ambedkar

(B) Mahatma Gandhi

(C) Deendayal Upadhyay

(D) Mohammed Ali Jinnah

Answer : B.R. Ambedkar

Solution: Bhimrao Ambedkar in 1947 became the Chairman of the Drafting Committee of the Constituent Assembly of India. Ambedkar was a staunch Constitutionalist. He believed that a government must be Constitutional and that Constitution must be treated as basic and sacred document.

  1. Which of the following is not correctly matched under the Constitution of India ?

(A) The Panchayats – Part IX

(B) The Municipalities – Part IX – A

(C) The Co – operative Societies – Part IX -B

(D) Tribunals – Part X

Answer : Tribunals – Part X

Solution: The correctly matched pairs under the Constitution of India are as follows :

The Panchayats → Part IX

The Municipalities → Part IX – A

The Co – operative Society → Part IX – B

Tribunals – Part XIV – A 

Thus, option (d) is not correctly matched as Part X is related to Scheduled Tribes and Tribal Areas.

  1. In India , the power of Judicial Review is enjoyed by  ?

(A) The Supreme Court alone

(B) The Supreme Court as well as High Courts

(C) All the Courts

(D) None of the above

Answer : The Supreme Court as well as High Courts

Solution: The doctrine of Judicial Review has been originated and developed in the USA.

It was propounder for the first time in the famous case of Marbury v/s Madison (1803) by John Marshall, the then Chief Justice of the American Supreme Court.

The Constitution of India confers the power of Judicial review on the Judiciary i.e. both the Supreme Court as well as High Courts.

The Supreme Court has declared the power of Judicial Review as a basic structure of the Constitution.

  1. ‘It is an agreement by free will to be terminated by free will.’ The above statement of pt. Nehru refers to which of the following ?

(A) India’s Association with the Commonwealth of Nations

(B) Treaty of Panchsheel

(C) Shimla Agreement

(D) None of the above

Answer : India’s Association with the Commonwealth of Nations

Solution: The above statement of pt. Nehru refers to India’s Association with the commonwealth of Nations.

  1. The child labour was prohibited in hazardous employment by  ______

(A) Indian Constitution

(B) The judgment of Supreme Court on December 10, 1996

(C) United Nations Charter

(D) All of the above

Answer : All of the above

Solution: Article 24 says that no child under the age of fourteen years shall be employed to work in any factory or mine or engaged in any other hazardous employment. United National Charter has proclaimed that childhood is entitled to special assistance for the full and harmonious development of a child and his or her personality should grow up in a healthy environment.

  1. Acting Chief Justice of India is appointed by the –

(A) Chief Justice of India

(B) Chief Justice of India with previous consent of the president

(C) President

(D) President on consultation with the Chief Justice of India

Answer : President

Solution: According to Article 126 of the Indian Constitution, the Acting Chief Justice of the Supreme Court is appointed by the President of India. It is done if the post of Chief Justice is vacant or he is unable to discharge his duties.

  1. Which one of the following is the World’s newest country?

(A) Eritrea

(B) Ethiopia

(C) Congo

(D) South Sudan

Answer : South Sudan

Solution: On 9 July, 2011, South Sudan was created as the newest and 193rd Country of the world. It’s current capital is Juba.

Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

See also: – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer Click Here

Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer

 Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer: Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer – Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science MCQ Question and Answer has been discussed above.

Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer

 Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer: Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer – Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science Multiple Choice Question and Answer discussed above.

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 Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science Quiz : Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science Quiz – Fundamental Rights & Various Fact’s – Political Science Quiz has been discussed above.

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